Sunday, January 26, 2020

Evaluate the Role of Leadership in Business

Evaluate the Role of Leadership in Business Introduction This paper strives to evaluate the role of leadership, group behavior, training and development and change management in the broader context of organizational behavior in todays environment. The new realities that businesses have to face are globalization, changing technology, employees from diverse demographic backgrounds, customers, investors and competition from both global and small innovators. Globalization brings in new opportunities and challenges in the form of new markets, exchange rate risks, trade and tariff barriers and distribution challenges. Companies have to compete increasingly with global competitors than local ones. Customers also have more options when selecting a product. The internet has made consumers savvier about the products available in the market. Improvements in the transportation and communication network meant that people were better informed and mobile. A classic example is the fall of the iron curtain where the people learned about the lifestyles of other countries which led to the collapse of the socialist countries. In this environment, Companies need the ability to adapt to the changes that are occurring at lightning speed or as coined by Bill Gates in his book business @ the speed of thought. Therefore organizations need to have the proper leaders who can drive the business towards their strategic goals. The other factors that companies need to address are intense competition, nontraditional management practices and societal consciousness of workers. he role of leadership in business In literature the influence a leader can exercise over followers in an organization is said to be the type of power he or she can exercise. There are five main sources of power; these are reward power, coercive power, legitimate power, referent and expert power. In addition to these five, finlay suggests that personal power and connection power are also factors that need to be considered. (Mullins, 2005). In addition to the above followers also look for trustworthyness, visionary, competancy and inspiring qualities in their leaders. In todays context although being a visionary leader is second only to being trustworthy it is the quality that leaders world over struggle with. In order to be a forward looking individual it is required to first pay attention to the here and now. A leader needs to know what is going on around him in order for him to focus on what needs to be done to get to the objective. It is not always about meeting deadlines it is looking at what comes after the deadline is met or the project is finished that define visionary leadership. Leadership Types A research study undertaken by a consulting firm and reported by Daniel Goleman has identified six types of leadership. Coercive leaders (do what I tell you) Authoritative leaders (Come with me) Affiliative leaders (People Come first) Democratic leaders (What do you think) Pacesetting leaders (Do as I do, Now) Coaching leaders (Try This) The study has also revealed that only four of these styles had a positive effect on employees. The authoritative style was found to be the most effective while the affiliative style. The democratic style and the coaching style were seen as positive. However it was also revealed that effective leaders often use more than one of these styles in various proportions in their dealings. (Mullins, 2005) leaders who have mastered the above four styles and are able to apply them in given situations have ben found to be more effective than others who do not. however it does not mean that the other styles of leadership are not effective when used in the correct situation and context. for example the coearcive style (demands immediate compliance) will work well in a crisis situation. When discussing leadership it is also important to explore the full range leadership model In the above model the bottom left hand quadrant describes avoidant behavior of leadership, which can be further described as non transacting these type of leaders avoid decisions or intervention relying on time to heal all ills. In the middle of the quadrant is transactional leadership, this is goal and result oriented leadership. And at the top right hand corner is the transformational leadership which broaden and elevate interests of followers. In todays organizations with the rapidly changing business environment the leaders we should develop are transformational leaders. The components of a transactional leader are individual consideration, intellectual stimulation, inspirational motivation and idealized behavior. Delving deeper into these components we find that Individual Consideration; values individual needs, shows empathy and encourages continuous improvement. Intellectual stimulation; challenges existing practices, encourages imagination and values intelligence. There is no doubt therefore that all these traits are required from a leader of a organization in this day. Change management Change is often said is the only thing that remains constant in organizations, and change management is defined as the process of achieving the smooth implementation of change by planning and introducing it systematically, taking into account the likely hood of being resisted. (Armstrong, 2009) Most businesses founded during and before the last decade has been steeped in archaic practices that really do not work in the present. Therefore if organizations need to be able to compete in the current business atmosphere companies will need to change the fundamental approaches that they have practiced in the past and embrace new methods of management. Organizations need to first identify why they need to change, the need for change can manifest itself from two directions one is external factors such as economic, social, environmental, technological, legal and political the other is internal factors such as business processers, objectives, technology, finance and structure. In the current context businesses will more often than not be influenced by external factors than internal factors for change. Once this is identified then the organization needs to have a vision of the final destination and the gaps that need to be filled to reach the final objective. It is also important for organizations to plan for this change and most importantly make the stakeholders aware of the importance of this change to the organization in order to get their buy in. Herbert C Kelman explains in his paper on attitude change that there can be three processes of influence. Compliance Occurs when an individual accept influence because of a reward or punishment by conforming. Thus the satisfactions derived from compliance are due to a social effect of accepting influence. Identification This is said to occur when an individual accepts influence because he wants to establish or maintain a satisfying self defining relationship with another person or group. Internalization This occurs when an individual accepts influence because it is intrinsically rewarding, he adopts the behavior because it is congruent with his values. (Kelman, 1958) Therfore in an organisation which is going through change all the above three types may be encountered, there will be some who comply because of the rewards or punishment some who will comply with change due to their relaqtionship with other members of the organisation and others who find that the change conforms to their values. Resistance to change People resist changing whenever they feel that the change is a threat to them. Resistance can take many forms; it can be active, passive, covert, overt, aggressive, timid, individual or organized. The top ten reasons for resisting change as argued by A. J. Schuler, Psy. D (A. J. Schuler, 2003) The risk of change is seen as greater than the risk of standing still People feel connected to other people who are identified with the old way People have no role models for the new activity People fear they lack the competence to change People feel overloaded and overwhelmed People have a healthy skepticism and want to be sure new ideas are sound People fear hidden agendas among would-be reformers People feel the proposed change threatens their notions of themselves People anticipate a loss of status or quality of life People genuinely believe that the proposed change is a bad idea. Dealing with resistance In order to overcome resistance to change a few methods can be used, foremost is to guarantee the employees security, thereafter a good communication plan of the objectives of the change should be instituted. Concerns of employees should be discussed and understood by the management. Where possible the most vociferous resistors should be made participants of the change management team. Flexibility should be made a key word in the change process. Incentives such as rewards can also be used to change the mind set of employees. In implementing the change an incremental change model can be used where initially small changes are done and once the employees have been removed from their comfort zones a bigger and more radical change is made. There can be several iterations of this with small periods of inactivity to allow the changes to normalize. This approach will make the change more acceptable as employees will be able to experience the benefits of each change prior to proceeding to the next iteration. Group behavior In organizations you will find several individuals forming groups to achieve common objectives, these groups or teams can exist as formal or informal groups. When formed as a formal group they will be part of the structure of the organization. In order to appreciate how groups behave we need to consider the nature of the following. (Armstrong, 2009) formal groups; informal groups; the processes that take place within groups; group ideology; group cohesion; group dynamics; The concept of a reference group and its impact on group members; The factors that make for group effectiveness. Formal Groups Organizations set up formal groups in order to achieve a defined purpose. The composition, size and structure of the group will depend on the nature of the task; if the task is clearly defined the leader may exercise authoritative power which if the task is routine in nature then the leader will exercise a more supportive role in this case the team will operate in democratic manner. Informal groups Individuals who have likeness towards each other can set up Informal groups, these can be in the form of book clubs, social club etc. A study conducted by Roethlibeger and Dickson in 1939 has revealed that activities within groups could be regulated by their own conduct and output irrespective of what the administration wanted, however by understanding the processes that take place within groups can help them work for the organization rather that against it. The processes that take place within a group. The manner in which groups function are affected by the size of the group and the task at hand, although there can be a greater knowledge base in a large group, individuals in the group may find it difficult to contribute. The main processes that take place in groups are interaction, task and maintenance functions, group ideology, group cohesion, group development and identification. (Armstrong, 2009) Reference groups A reference group comprises of a group of people with whom an individual identifies with .Most individuals in an organizations belong to a reference group and this can considerably affect the ways in which they behave. Initially a group member may comply in order to be accepted as part of the group, however as time progresses the norm will get internalized and the individual will react in the same manner whether in the group or not. Influencing groups Vince Lombardi arguably the greatest NFL football coach once said true leadership involves not only the ability to direct people, but the ability to have them embrace your direction influencing or persuading people to embrace your direction is a multi step process. In order for you to be able to persuade the first thing you need is credibility or trust and be perceived to be a person who keeps his word. The second is to canvass, which is to have a series of exchanges with individuals and groups to obtain a clear view of the concerns, goals and aspirations. The third is to try your ideas on opinion leaders, discuss your ideas with small groups get their feedback and importantly try to get the opinion leaders acceptance of the ideas. Then use the information gathered and reframe the idea in a manner which they see it as their own. By adopting the approaches discussed in this chapter an organization can obtain the support it needs to change and overcome any resistance by employees to the proposed changes. Training and Development Donald Schon argues that the loss of stable state in our society and its institutions means that they are in a process of continuous transformation and that we cannot expect new stable states that will endure for our own lifetimes. Therefore we must become adept at learning. (Smith, 2009) In order for an organization to able to be competitive in its business space it first needs to understand the skills it needs. Thereafter a gap analysis should be carried out to identify what skills are required In order for the company to reach its goals. All employees want their services to be valuable to their employers and be able to be competitive in the employment market. And the only method of achieving these targets is training and development. It is also a motivating factor for the employee since by being trained on the skills he needs to perform his function he becomes more comfortable and adept at his task. Employers should strive to build in training into their evaluation of the employee so that the final measurement of his performance will be realistic and aligned towards to companies goals and objectives. Conclusion In conclusion, an organization of today need a multifaceted approach to shape its organizational behavior. Foremost among them is the need to be able to adapt quickly to change. To do this the organization needs to have visionary leaders who will be able to manage the changes happening around them in ways that keep the motivation of the employees at high levels while maintaining the momentum of the organization. They also need also to focus on other aspects such as environmental, cultural and political issues in order to survive in todays business environment. Donald Sull a professor of management practice at the London school of business has to say this companies that execute on their strategies quickly and effectively tend to construct solid organizational hardware: information systems, corporate priorities, incentives and so forth. But they also program in software That is the right culture, people and leadership for execution. The most agile organizations share a core set of va lues: achievement that recognizes and rewards employees for setting and achieving ambitious goals, ownership, team work, creativity and integrity. Most importantly agile organizations translate these principles into action. (Sull, 2010) A. J. Schuler, P. D. (2003). resistance to change. Retrieved 02 2, 2011, from Armstrong, m. (2009). Hand Book of Human Resource Practice. london: Kogan Page. Kelman, H. C. (1958). Compliance identification and internalization. Retrieved 02 02, 2011, from scholar harvard edu: leader to leader institute. (2009). The Organisation of the Future. San Francisco: jossey-bass. Mullins, L. J. (2005). Management and Organisational Behaviour. Essex: Pearson Education limited. Smith, M. K. (2009, 09 03). donald shon :Learning,reflection and change. Retrieved 02 04, 2011, from Sull, D. (2010, 05 23). Organisational Behaviour. Retrieved 02 04, 2011, from Management Quotes:

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Educating On Obesity And Exercise Health And Social Care Essay

There are two types of metabolic reactions, catabolic and anabolic which fundamentally mean to interrupt down and construct up. This is of import when looking at exercising and the construct of firing fat and edifice of musculus. During exercising energy is released when big molecules are broken down into smaller 1s. This is called the katabolic reaction. The energy is so used during the anabolic reaction to construct up complex molecules needed by the organic structure to keep life and develop new tissue. A individual ‘s metamorphosis establishes the rate at which the organic structure burns Calories and how rapidly weight is gained or lost. The higher a individual ‘s metamorphosis is, the quicker they will lose weight. Using the construct of anabolic and katabolic reactions, the short term weight loss is best achieved by aerophilic exercising to interrupt down molecules into energy that the organic structure can utilize to construct musculus. Muscle burns more Calories than fat, so the edifice of musculus will hike a individual ‘s metamorphosis in the long term and increase the sum of Calories burned. A After any type of surgery, the organic structure is susceptible to infection. Clostridium perfringens infections have a high mortality rate. This being multiplies in the myometrium and can distribute to the womb and circulatory system to go a systemic infection if non treated rapidly. It can do serious jobs such as myometriosis which may take to sterility. Surgical intercession such as a hysterectomy may be performed early nevertheless, for a patient that is merely 33 old ages old this may be lay waste toing. 3. Stephanie and Daryl Donnelly are both 31 old ages old and would wish to get down a household. Stephanie has a household history of Duchenne muscular dystrophy and admirations what the impact will be in footings of her ain kids holding the disease. The twosome has come to the clinic to discourse their options. I would explicate to the twosome that although Stephanie does non hold symptoms of the disease, she may be a bearer. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an familial disease where males are more likely to develop symptoms than are adult females. The boies of females who are bearers of the disease each have a 50 % opportunity of holding the disease. The girls each have a 50 % opportunity of being bearers. If the account of the disease was indicated, I would discourse the class of the disease, clinical manifestations, life anticipation and the effects on the kid and health professionals. I would rede familial guidance since Stephanie has a household history of the upset. A Although there is no remedy for this disease, the familial mutant has been identified. This can let for a more informed determination as to whether the twosome wants to travel frontward with get downing a household. Stephanie can undergo DNA analysis of blood samples to set up bearer position of the mutant. Besides, antenatal diagnosing is possible as early as12 hebdomads by trying chorionic villi. If the sample was positive for the cistron mutant, the household would hold adequate clip to fix for the kid or the option to end the gestation. This would be a hard determination either manner, but with current research at the least the household would cognize prior to the birth of the kid. If a kid is born affected by the disease, ongoing research is being conducted to diminish the badness of the symptoms. These include root cell replacing therapy, exon-skipping, linear up-regulation and cistron replacing, every bit good as drug therapy to decelerate disease patterned advance. 4. The households of two kids are concerned about the integrating of their kids into the local junior high school. Melissa, age 13, has Turner syndrome, and Timothy, age 14, has Klinefelter syndrome. The households are non related. They approach the community wellness nurse for counsel. Adolescence and the demand to â€Å" suit in † create fright and anxiousness in most adolescents. The organic structure is traveling through emotional, physical, and hormonal alterations. Adolescents are concerned about their outward appearance.A Some of the most of import elements to discourse with the household about Turner syndrome are the physical alterations that develop in females. Females with this status be given to be shorter than mean misss of the same age. They besides may hold excess tegument on the cervix dropsical custodies and pess and skeletal abnormalcies. Other medical jobs that may originate from Turner syndrome may include bosom mutters, high blood force per unit area and kidney jobs. About 10 per centum of misss develop scoliosis or an under-active thyroid. The ovaries of females with Turner syndrome do non bring forth estrogen and Lipo-Lutin. Tiffany will non develop chests or get down her period unless she is treated with endocrine therapy. Although sterility may non be an issue during adolescence, this should be addressed as Tiffany ages as the ovaries are non-functional due to the disease. Although non all males with Klinefelter syndrome have the same symptoms, I would turn to the physical, linguistic communication and societal facets of the status. As Timothy is considered pubescent adolescent, he will non do as much testosterone as other male childs. This may ensue in less musculus mass and less facial and organic structure hair than other boys his age. He may besides hold wider hips, larger chests and lower energy degrees. A big per centum of males have some kind of linguistic communication jobs, such as reading, treating spoken linguistic communication and showing ideas and demands efficaciously. From a societal point of view these male childs tend to be quiet and diffident. They may fight in school and athleticss, which may ensue in trouble adjustment in with their equals. 5. Margaret, age 3, has merely taken a bath. She wants to demo her ma a new fast one that she ‘s learned and bends rearward. As Margaret extends rearward, her female parent notices a big, stick outing mass from her venters. Her female parent instantly takes Margaret to the local clinic for farther appraisal. A I would discourse the most common tumours found in kids, and other possible causes of the mass such as hernia, ascites. The possibility of a hernia may bring forth no symptoms but have the hazard of going an exigency state of affairs if it becomes strangulated. Besides, I would discourse scrutinies, diagnostic proving such as CT scans, lab draws, and echography. If indicated more testing of blood, bone marrow may be done if malignance is suspected. 6. Mary, 82 old ages old, lives in a residential senior attention place. Her household has noticed the following bit by bit happening over the past hebdomad: agitation, crossness, and confusion ; musculus vellication of appendages ; and ailments of being thirsty all the clip, even after imbibing. They have noticed that her urinary catheter bag does n't hold every bit much fluid in it, and she looks flushed at times. Mary has had frequent episodes of diarrhoea. The nursing staff drew blood for complete blood count ( CBC ) , serum osmolarity, and electrolytes and has been supervising her BP and bosom rate every 4 hour. Her BP has ranged from 86/60 to 88/66, and her pulse scope is 105 to 118 and regular. The staff besides reviewed her medicine profile and discovered that Mary received two excess doses of lactulose that were non ordered. 7. Vanessa, age 33 old ages, is a individual female parent of two adolescent misss and works as a director full clip with a fiscal investing house. She has merely enrolled in an MBA plan part-time. She comes to the exigency section today because her â€Å" bosom has been rushing for about 30 proceedingss. † She was at place working on her first assignment and making house work in between. Her girls were inquiring for money to purchase some new school apparels when she says she merely â€Å" lost it † and get downing shouting at them. The nurse placed her on the bosom proctor, and Vanessa ‘s beat showed sinus tachycardia at a rate of 142/min. Vanessa has no other symptoms. A Stress is about impossible to extinguish, but with good techniques it can be successfully managed. I would discourse with Vanessa some ways to director her emphasis such as inquiring her kids to assist with family jobs, and perchance acquiring occupations. This would assist the misss with money to purchase their ain school apparels and give Vanessa some quiet clip to analyze. Meditation, deep external respiration and yoga may assist Vanessa loosen up when holding nerve-racking minutes. She may besides seek a warm bath, loosen uping music or taking a walk outside. Although she is busy with kids, work and school, everyone needs clip to loosen up. Just a five minute interruption may be all person needs when they feel a nerve-racking minute coming.

Friday, January 10, 2020

The Fight Against Aristotle Essay Topics

The Fight Against Aristotle Essay Topics There's an argument about what constitutes happiness. There are two sorts of virtues he recognises, intellectual and moral. If happiness is activity in accordance with excellence, it's reasonable that it ought to be in agreement with the maximum excellence. The typical element of all 3 beliefs is the idea of a thing. Apart from influencing the growth of contemporary science, his ideas also have been adopted by Christian thinkers like Thomas Aquinas. Aristotle stated that man proved to be a political animal by nature and so could hardly avoid the challenges of politics. Logically speaking, it's the only approach to connect both theories. The term democracy has different meanings in various states. Introducing Aristotle Essay Topics Though written more than 2,000 decades past, it features the modern reader many valuable insights into human requirements and conduct. Rather it was the undertaking of politics to make order on earth. The job may have seemed to disappear, Erickson has suggested, just because it wasn't taught for a long time. The term a great life might be interpreted in many various ways, but ultimately a superior life has to be lead. The first two kinds of friendship can easily be broken. Which is the maximum type of activity of the soul to attain Happiness. Focusing on a single individual doesn't guarantee unity A story does not absolutely attain unity by simply centering on a single individual. The fundamental portion of the soul is basically vegetative. Most Noticeable Aristotle Essay Topics Instead of democracy, where there's a polarized society, a polity's goal is to produce a balanced society with respect to distribution of happiness. Democracy is the new hype as we, nearly all folks who are living in the developed nations, overvalue the notion of democracy. Citizenship thus is the ability to participate. The distribution of the way the very good life is shared within society d oesn't look fair. It isn't possible to separate the activity of the plant from the authentic plant. Since something can't exist at all if it doesn't have any properties or activities in any way, prime matter doesn't exist. Whether the aim of a creature or plant is beneficial to man is irrelevant. Consider a specific plant. Aristotle Essay Topics - Is it a Scam? To get started writing your assignment you would want to run into an interesting and promising topic. An essay is made by whoever writes it, and therefore this man is the Efficient Cause. It is not the easiest task to master. Whether this essay was just a wholly random mixture of letters or words it wouldn't be an essay, it would be gibberish. Aristotle Essay Topics Explained Aristotle's financial doctrine was based on the grounds that slavery was a pure phenomenon and have to always be the basis of production. For Aristotle it's very important to know the objective of something as a way to fully grasp how to li ve ethically particularly human beings. On the flip side, the major notion of a polity has not changed much since Aristotle. One of the chief ideas of Aristotle's teachings is the notion of locating balance. On the flip side, Aristotle, among a few others, is believed to be among the very first true scientists. Aristotle had an extremely great relation with the Church. Aristotle designed his formal logic to be in a position to set the validity of an argument no matter the matter being discussed. Aristotle distinguishes 2 varieties of virtues. Aristotle Essay Topics Options You have the ability to find things from a different perspective which allows you to uncover solutions and approaches which were otherwise invisible. Show what the works have in common with regard to both shape and content, then analyze their major differences too. To begin with, let's have a little bit of background. Aristotle mentioned that Efficient cause is the principal supply of change. The aggregate of scientific knowledge cannot be subsumed under a single system of concepts because there's no such concept that could be the predicate of all of the other concepts. Approval by the right ethics committee s was obtained in any way sites. Matter and form are parts of substances, but they aren't parts that you are able to divide at any technology. Think with respect to the effect you wish to create, or the event that you want to relate, and make your selection criteria.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

About A Radio Censorship - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 858 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/06/12 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Censorship Essay Did you like this example? The results from an anonymous poll on, had an outcome of, out of 100%, 85% say radio should not be censored, while 15% say radio should be censored. Censorship has been a debate for a while, things such as, books, movies, articles, pictures, videos, and music are censored. Music should be censored for the protection of young, innocent children. Although federal law prevents immoral and vulgar content from being publicized, who decides what music is censored and, how do they make that decision (obscene, indecent and profane broadcasts)? claims that WEAF, an ATT station in New York broadcasted the first radio advertisement in 1923. Since radio censorship has been around for a while, as you can guess, there have been many solutions and ideas for censoring music. Backtracking, in late 1920rs and early 1930rs, government directors were allowed to confiscate the licenses of laborers who broadcasted profane or abusive language (censorship in radio).This has continued into today but is now the duty of the Supreme Court (Tom Head). Furthermore, the name of the Supreme Court has been announced, but, how does the supreme court choose what music to censor? The everlasting process starts with civilians requesting certain songs to be censored or banned, this request in then sent to the Supreme Court for them to do the th ree-prong test; does the work contain phornography? As well as, does it show sexualy explicit conduct, and does it lack reasoning or purpose (The Miller test)? Finally, after the three-prong test, the Supreme Court then vetoes or approves the censorship and is sent off to be censored to later be played on radios or, the song is banned. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "About A Radio Censorship" essay for you Create order As with every problem, there are always at least two opposing ideas and solutions, so as you presume, the conflicting idea to the censorship of music. On the other hand, some critics argue that censoring music shields the authenticity of the song from the community, especially kids. They claim uncensored songs show children the bitter principles of life which they will need to deal with (connect US). The censorship issue is very prominent in todays society, with many ideas, soulutions, and many, many opinions. In addition to, the anti-censorship crowd claims as Connect US states, this practice is a clear violation of the First Amendment which is about freedom of self-expression and speech. If censorship is made into law, it prevents artists from expressing themselves and conveying what message they want to get through to their listeners. Opposingly, Tom Head states, The right to free speech is a long-standing US tradition, but actually respecting it is not. This statement therefore p rovides an opposing view to the most prominent argue seen with the issue of music censorship. Many popular songs have been censored or even banned. Songs such as Brown Eyed Girl by Van Morrison in 1967, Greased Lightning, featured in the Movie Grease in 1978, sang by John Travolta, and, Walk Like an Egyptian liberated in 1986 by The Bangles have been censored or banned. In the case of the song, Brown Eyed Girl, it was supposedly banned for the original name, Brown Skinned girl and some suggestive material. The once profane material was then changed to, laughing and a-runnin, hey, hey. With the edited version now out, it is suitable for all ages and played on many radio stations. In the same way, Greased Lightning featured in the movie Grease has been censored or snipped from radio stations across the US. The song features profane language and indecent subjects. Strangely, Look at me, Im Sandra Dee, a song featured in the same movie has an Italian cuss word, but was never banned or censored. Lastly, Walk like an Egyptian, banned in both 1991 and 1986. Judging by the title you can probably guess the reason they banned this song, which was to prevent offending people in correlation to this subject (What do we do). Many popular songs are heard on the radio, the songs may be silenced, bleeped, or changed. As we know, songs are banned in the US, but what about other countries? As said by, Filip Fortuna, According to a study by independent monitor Freedom House, China has been ranked the worst in the world when it comes to internet freedom, while web access in Iceland and Estonia were jointly the most free. Due to the strict regulations of censoring internet, China employs more than two million workers who read, review, and ban internet sites, articles, videos, photos and more from the viewerrs eyes (Media censorship in China). Iceland is one of the countries with the most internet freedom. Thus, in 2010, Iceland initiated a new media initiative protecting the freedom of speech, making Iceland a safer place for journalists and whistleblowers. Whistleblowers ar e people who inform the public of wrongdoing in the government (Iceland, Freedom house). There are many pros and cons to the censorship of music, music is censored by the Supreme Court with the three-prong test, and, censorship is not a problem in just the US, but around the world. Music is a prominent issue in todayrs society, children must be protected from profane and indecent language and ideas.